Friday, January 12, 2007

Its finally time to return..

So after having stayed in Pittsburgh for 8 months, I am finally returning home. I am feeling so good.. Initially when i was to leave on 23rd Dec. 2006, I did not wanna leave.. i loved it here. But as the days came closer, thought of meeting my folks, sister, neice, friends and a few loved ones, made me wanna run back home. Since then, I have just wanna go back. My stay got extended and now I am leaving on 27th Jan. A whole month more.. but everyday i missing home more and more. Everday was feeling like a day of more than 24hrs. Just killed time.. Now I am counting days to go.

As i leave this li'l home that i had made here.. I will take some memorable moments, days and weeks. The friends i have made and every li'l thing i learnt from everyone here. Its just been wonderful.

But Home is Home.. i wanna go back to my loved ones. I missed them so much.. its time i went back. I will wanna back come again.. but for short periods.. not so long.. its lonely here!

Some things i learnt from my stay here:
1. Value relationships: Staying here alone, I know what my family means to me. I cant stay a single day without talking to them or being in touch with them. Same is the case with friends. Not having many friends here.. i missed my old friends.. When we r sorrounded with them, we take it for granted.. but here i m with noone around. All i wanted to be amongst my friends.. my loving friends.
Relationship, once built is so sacred. Be it Parents, Sister or Friends. Other than my folks and sister, who i missed a lot was my li'l neice. She was just 5 months when i left. She was a baby .. hadnt started to walk. Last i saw her turn on her belly and back. Today she walks, talks and in all this, she has forgotten her pacchi (aunt) which is me. I missed seeing all that my mom and dad saw. They have fun with her.. i miss her so much.. I am so so so glad to be back n will get to see her.
Made some extremely good friends and learnt so much from them.. will never forget them. Esp. my neighbour. Learnt alot from her. She has been an angel in disguise.. Will never forget all that she has done for me. Taken care of me like an elder sister. God Bless her always!

2. Responsible: Since the onus of house, the utilities is on me, I had no other options than to be responsible :-) Well, it was nice taking care of the house and be on my own. Paying bills on time, seeing that fridge is loaded with food .. well mostly with puddings and ice creams.. well all this is necc. when u r living on your own. I wont complain, I was responsible from start ;-) and so managed pretty well. But yes, all this experience made me understand responsibility very well.

3. Independent: Being on my own I def. learnt the Art of beign Independent. Made my own choices in many matters.. Had the liberty to buy anything and everything i wanted. Though i did consult folks even after being here that is different.. but yes, many things were my own decision. Go on your own, be on your own... hmm twas a nice experience.. not always though! u do feel lonely..

4. Faith in God: Being alone i always relied on God for any strength and peace of mind. He was my best friend all the time and esp. in the 8 months. I have learnt about patience, that time heals everything and yet again, if anything has to happen, it WILL happen and All that happens, happens for Ones Good and for the Best!!! I Love you God ! :-)

5. Learnt alot about how to Handle situations when it comes to relationships. I was very impulsive and short tempered. I have cooled down a lot and i dont judge on first impression now. I dont make conclusions at the snap of a finger. Will analyse and try and think from a different perspective. Have learnt to take care of relationships with lotsa attention and groom it in a way that norishes and makes the relationship stronger. Came to know what Love is all about. Learn the importance of Love, Caring, Friendship and Family.

6. Discovered a New Me in myself: Staying alone, having a lot of time for myself, I realised there was a different me too. Realised some of my hobbies and some things that I liked to do other than the regular work. I started to have an eye for nature and its beautiful creations. Even small flowers would fascinate me. The sky so High, the fog, snow, clouds and rain, the trees, the changing colors in Fall.. they all tempted me to capture them in my camera. I also started to write down my thoughts and views and so my writing hobby was also nurtured.
Its good to find a new you. I loved listening to good music and dancing. They were my passion esp. dance but now Photorahpy is also one of them.

And now after living alone and taking care of myself, i want to go home and be sorrounded with family and want to be taken care of ;-)


Unknown said...

Well written, Shradha. I am happy on two scores. First is because you are now a "new" and "improved" Shradha and second is because we are now partners in this art of cheating called "Photography".

Shradha Nayak said...

Oh yes we are :-)
I must Thank you for all the Tips you have already given me..
Its so amazing if u think about it.. a few days back we dint know eachother and today its so great to know you and ur family.. i feel good. Esp. so becoz i get to learn so much from you both. Not only the knowledge and opinions in many discussions but also phtography and art. Its a pleasure knowing you and ur family. Alas, it had to happen at the time i am leaving.. neverthaless I m only glad to know you all. Better late than never! So true!

Suneil Kamath said...

isnt it so....
How does it feel to be pampered all over again??
hey btw the survival skills that u learnt overseas ....dont foirget that ...its impt skill that u have for life..
Wat say??

Anonymous said...

I was trying to find something else, and landed on your article. I have travelled a lot for my website, and i know the feeling of returning home. I had that for quite long time.

I don't know you, but wish you well with the family.
